Saturday, April 25, 2009

To Alex :
Im not an expert in bagg laaa ! (bagg zipping) LOLOLOL !
I think only you knows what i am talking about mansxz (:
Shhhhhh , we both have a secret !
Exposed = Death ! HAHA :D
Hmmmmm , when want head to sengkang again ? Opps !
Stayyy backkk in school againszxz together soonnn (:
Haha, alrightszxz ! See you on monday morning ! 6 am right ? HAHAHA !

To B and D :
Please ahh , if you guys ever want us to tagg along with you then dont ever like ask us to go home first when we make the effort to went all the way there with you guys laaa .
Its really pissing canszxz .
We are not like your dogs or whatever canszxz , you ask us to come and go as you like .
We dont like it canszxz .
If ever you two think that you're not wrong , then forget it laaa .
But whatever it is , reflect on yourself laaa ! ZZZ @.@

To PW :
Oh manszxz . Yesterday's webcamm sessions were good rightszxz ? Lols !
School's funn with webcammm yeps :D
Moreeeeeeeee okayszxz . See you soon (:

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