Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Firstly, before posting .. i would like to say I'M HAPPY TODAYSXZSZX (: !
( and it gonna be a long one - im gonna leave out some parts. )

Haha, today is really a busy day yeah. Early in the morning bout eight plus nine, met up with adrian'buddy ! headed to the whatever army/navy thingy at bukit merah i think? LOL. Anywayanyway, had a longggg jouney ~ &damn the weather ahhh, super duper hot in the early morning luhs. Finally we reached that place and gone through all the super mafan procedure and then went in to the building..

Budd went in for the interview and I sat outside and waited for him.From one person to many many person coming in, I didn’t noticed that the time had gone by so longgg already. Waited outside with no entertainment cause no digital devices is allowed :x But luckily, budd brought along his comic strips! Its damn nice ya, I read finished the whole book again and again (: And I totally lost track of time and didn’t know I actually spent twoo hours waiting all until budd came out. Hahahaha!After everything, went back to the interchange and took bus 851 back to angmokio.

Alighted somewhere near secondary school and walked to amkss. Met up with dx to collect her ‘O’ level certificate which is supposed to be collected like longgg longgg agooo! And yea, after that we took 74 to NgeeAnn poly and meet up with some BIGSHOT! LOLS.
Headed straight to convention centre and waited f that BigShot outside. But before he came out, there’s a lil argument between me and dx. It goes like this..
Dx saw a guy in white shirt and he looks like the BigShot, then she kept asking him to get out there and stop talking to his friends. But the person doesn’t seems to be moving. Then I found it very weird so I went closer to the door and take a look, but I don’t think that its him eh. Told dx that, but she says she CONFIRMED its me. And kept rushing me to call him out and exclaimed that he became fatter :x But which its like, I CONFIRMED its not him luhhhhh! After that I texted him and he said he justcame out onlyz. While texting, the guy in white went in to the convention centre and dx exclaimed! Asking him not to go insideeeee. I was like -.- !
After that when the BigShot- KAYZHENGJIE(he wanted his name BIGBIG) finally come out, he’s wearing black and not white and its not that guy that dx mistook. And yea, I won! Hahahaha. Luckily I still believe myself that I think he wont become like that plum luhhhh! Hahahahahaha!
Anyway, was laughing like dunno what and we bus-ed back to angmokio and headed to SumoHouse for lunch [: ! Catch-ed up while dining! And dx had to leave us and go somewhere yaaaa. So me and ZHENGJIE walked around angmokio central and angmokio hub and blahhhhh. Chatted quite a lot and yeah, home after that (: !

Asking me why am I so happy today?
· I met up with Adrian’Buddy TODAY !
· SA International PBL event TOMORROW !
· E35E class chalet TOMORROW !
· Meeting up with AhBeng LATER !
· Having lovely friends to chat and text NOW !

To: Zhengjie.
I didn’t know you got read my blog one duh! So now, satisfied with the font of your name with my fav colour? HAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, happy reading! Remember what you should do during your holidays ahhhhh. Got heart jiu must … er hummmm ! HAHAHAHA.

! Its very nice meeting up with close friends that i don't head out with often. Those past times we spent together last time were all brought back. Fun times. Awkward times. Were all so memorable. I'll never forget all these memories, never! Like how buddy remind me bout our primary school times, all those bickerings, teasings, fighting and all were all so memorable and funny. HAHA. And CKZJ, the handphone strap brought back memories tooo. Well, nice time i had today.

** If you have to walk 100 steps, you’ll only need to walk one step. Because the rest of the 99 steps I’ll walk for you. ** - Isn’t this sweet? Thanks F.

Sweettalks? Maybe it wouldn’t bribe me. But I definitely love those heart sayings, true ones (: I’ll remember every lil things you guys have said as long I believe it comes from your heart. LOVED!


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