Tuesday, May 5, 2009

went to crystal's blog. was too bored so tried out this facebook quiz (:
well, it's me. haha!
尽管生活是有崎区挫折, 但你总有办法克服, 顺利渡过! 你遭遇过的措折比一般人多. 你曾经接触过一些难相处的人, 没道理的规定和不和谐的人际关系. 你对爱情的态度就像太阳表面一般热情高温. 当你被很多烦人的事困扰的时候, 你要不就是非常镇定的静观其变, 要不就是以领导者的姿态出现叫大家都闭嘴! 你觉得一个人去看电影没什么大不了. 反而想不通为什么有些人非要有人陪 才肯去看电影. 你感到自在, 不论是一个人独处或处在人群当中. 你对你的父母不很满意但又无法改变他们. 你会是个很好的情人. 如果你能在万人之中找到和你极为相配的人. 不然的话, 你和恋人的关系总是不能持久或痛苦结束. 你可能已经和一个你并不爱的人在一起太久了. 生活就像在坐云霄飞车一样, 你总是想尽办法让生活过得更加如你所愿. 你要不就是个运动迷, 要不你就曾经嚐试过禁药.
well, i decided to move on alreadyz.
had a long talked with kengboon yesterday night after so long of not contacting and realised many things had changed. almost everything's different already.
i wished time could be like before again, seriously. i'll definately missed this friend of mine.
last of all, wished him all the best in finding another part (: ! thanks for his wishes and talk too !
hoho, this's taken yesterday! (:
ME + LESDEN = AWESOME ! (quoted from lesden)

* long RJ doesnt mean good RJ *


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